-- 1GW6.0 Deck Name: bruninho anarch Crypt (12 cards, min=6, max=28, avg=4.75) ----------------------------------------- 3x Alabástrom 7 POT VIS aus cel for Gargoyle:6 3x Anarch Convert 1 -none- Caitiff:ANY 3x Chalcedony 7 FOR POT THA VIS Gargoyle:6 1x Monica Chang 3 dom tha Tremere:5 1x Verbruch 5 POT VIS for Gargoyle:5 1x Ayse Dhanial 4 aus dom tha Tremere:6 Library (90 cards) Master (21; 6 trifle) 6x Ashur Tablets 1x Carfax Abbey 1x Fame 1x Flames of Insurrection 1x Heidelberg Castle, Germany 2x Perfectionist 1x Powerbase: Montreal 1x Rack, The 1x Rebel 1x Tension in the Ranks 2x Vessel 2x Villein 1x Wider View Action (13) 8x Children of Stone 1x Field Training 2x Hatchling 2x Preternatural Strength Equipment (7) 1x Flak Jacket 3x Heart of Nizchetus 1x IR Goggles 1x Ivory Bow 1x Kevlar Vest Retainer (9) 1x Mr. Winthrop 6x Razor Bat 2x Stone Dog Action Modifier (9) 6x As the Crow 3x Freak Drive Reaction (9) 2x Deflection 3x Forced Awakening 3x On the Qui Vive 1x Wake with Evening's Freshness Combat (21) 5x Immortal Grapple 2x Roll 7x Stonestrength 2x Taste of Vitae 5x Unflinching Persistence Event (1) 1x Dragonbound