-- 0GW0.0 Deck Name: Stanislave_-_2024-02-12_1051 Crypt (12 cards, min=38, max=44, avg=10.25) ------------------------------------------- 2x Genevieve 10 ANI FOR PRO aus dom priscus Gangrel antitribu:2 2x Ingrid Rossler 9 ANI FOR PRO dom prince Gangrel:2 5x Stanislava 11 ANI CEL DOM FOR PRO inner circle Gangrel:2 3x Xaviar 10 ANI FOR PRO aus cel pot 2 votes Gangrel:3 Library (89 cards) Master (16; 6 trifle) 1x Celerity 1x Fame 2x Haven Uncovered 1x Tension in the Ranks 1x Vessel 2x Villein 3x Wider View 5x Zillah's Valley Action (14) 1x Ambush 1x Bum's Rush 4x Deep Song 2x Govern the Unaligned 1x Harass 5x Sense Death Political Action (3) 1x Ancient Influence 1x Meddling of Semsith, The 1x Political Stranglehold Action Modifier (14) 3x Earth Control 5x Forced March 3x Freak Drive 3x Instantaneous Transformation Action Modifier/Reaction (7) 6x Form of the Bat 1x Murmur of the False Will Reaction (6) 3x Deflection 3x On the Qui Vive Combat (26) 12x Claws of the Dead 10x Hidden Strength 4x Psyche! Event (3) 1x Dragonbound 1x NSA Trio 1x Urban Jungle