-- 0GW1.0 Deck Name: Banu AC 2024 [by Backwinder] Crypt (12 cards, min=17, max=24, avg=5.42) ------------------------------------------ 1x Flavia, Avenging Angel 6 CEL OBF QUI Banu Haqim:6 1x Omer 5 CEL QUI obf Banu Haqim:6 1x Wise Frog 5 OBF aus cel qui Banu Haqim:6 1x Greg Mazouni 4 cel obf tha Banu Haqim:6 3x Kalinda (G6) 6 CEL OBF tha primogen Banu Haqim:6 3x Khadija Al-Kindi 6 CEL OBF THA primogen Banu Haqim:6 1x Kassandra Tassaki 6 CEL THA obf prince Banu Haqim:6 1x Adisa 3 cel obf Banu Haqim:6 Library (90 cards) Master (21; 2 trifle) 1x Archon Investigation 6x Ashur Tablets 5x Haqim's Law: Retribution 2x Khabar: Community, The 2x Parthenon, The 2x Underworld Hunting Ground 2x Vessel 1x Yoruba Shrine Action (17) 1x Aranthebes, The Immortal 8x Flurry of Action 4x Haqim's Law: Leadership 4x Khabar: Glory Action Modifier (10) 2x Elder Impersonation 2x Faceless Night 2x Lost in Crowds 2x Marked Path 2x Spying Mission Action Modifier/Combat (24) 4x Hide the Mind 10x Resist Earth's Grasp 10x Swallowed by the Night Reaction (11) 3x Nest of Eagles 4x On the Qui Vive 4x Protected District Combat (4) 2x No Trace 2x Torrent Event (3) 1x Narrow Minds 1x Nightmares upon Nightmares 1x Scourge of the Enochians