-- 0GW2.5 Deck Name: Gangrel_Arm_day Crypt (12 cards, min=31, max=42, avg=9.33) ------------------------------------------ 1x Elimelech the Twice-Damned 11 AUS DEM DOM FOR OBF pro Ventrue antitribu:5 1x Baba Yaga, the Iron Hag 11 ANI AUS FOR OBF POT THA Nosferatu:5 5x Matasuntha 10 ANI AUS CEL FOR PRO Gangrel:5 1x Qawiyya el-Ghaduba 9 FOR POT VAL aus pre Salubri antitribu:5 2x Khurshid 8 AUS FOR NEC POT Harbinger of Skulls:6 1x Bulscu 8 AUS FOR dom pot pre Ventrue:5 1x Massimiliano 7 ANI FOR pro baron Gangrel:6 Library (90 cards) Master (21; 5 trifle) 2x Direct Intervention 1x Ecoterrorists 1x Ennoia's Theater 1x Fragment of the Book of Nod 1x Giant's Blood 1x Information Highway 1x Mob Connections 2x Powerbase: Montreal 2x Rack, The 3x Smiling Jack, The Anarch 5x Villein 1x Zoo Hunting Ground Action (4) 2x Pulse of the Canaille 1x Revelations 1x Shadow of the Beast Equipment (5) 1x Bowl of Convergence 1x Camera Phone 1x Heart of Nizchetus 2x Sport Bike Retainer (1) 1x Mr. Winthrop Reaction (31) 5x Eagle's Sight 2x Enhanced Senses 7x Eyes of Argus 2x Eyes of the Wild 1x Forced Awakening 2x My Enemy's Enemy 3x On the Qui Vive 2x Sense the Savage Way 7x Telepathic Misdirection Combat (28) 3x Canine Horde 15x Indomitability 3x Resilience 5x Rolling with the Punches 2x Soak