-- 1GW2.5 Deck Name: Petrodon Crypt (12 cards, min=23, max=40, avg=8.08) ------------------------------------------ 5x Alonso Petrodon 10 ANI DOM OBF POT for tha justicar Nosferatu:5 1x Andi Liu 6 DOM aus obf pre prince Malkavian:6 3x Alexander Silverson 8 AUS DOM OBF pre prince Malkavian:6 1x Graham Gottesman 7 DOM FOR obf pre tha prince Ventrue:5 1x Ashley 3 dom obf Malkavian:6 1x Jason "Son" Newberry 7 AUS DOM OBF pre primogen Malkavian:6 Library (74 cards) Master (12) 1x Elysium: The Palace of Versailles 1x Giant's Blood 2x Information Highway 8x Zillah's Valley Action (5) 1x Far Mastery 4x Govern the Unaligned Political Action (10) 3x Kine Resources Contested 7x Parity Shift Action Modifier (28) 6x Bonding 3x Closed Session 3x Elder Impersonation 3x Faceless Night 5x Freak Drive 8x Lost in Crowds Action Modifier/Combat (4) 4x Swallowed by the Night Reaction (9) 6x Deflection 3x Second Tradition: Domain Combat (6) 6x No Trace