-- 1GW5.0 Deck Name: Tzimisce Politics New Wave 1.0 Crypt (12 cards, min=35, max=44, avg=9.75) ------------------------------------------ 1x Gravitnir 10 AUS CEL DEM OBF VIC priscus Malkavian antitribu:4 2x Malgorzata 9 AUS DOM THA VIC pre priscus Tremere antitribu:4 1x Radu Bistri 8 AUS DOM ani pre vic cardinal Tzimisce:4 4x Sha-Ennu 11 ANI AUS CHI VIC obf tha regent Tzimisce:4 1x Terrifisto 10 ANI AUS FOR VIC cel obt archbishop Tzimisce:4 2x Xipe Totec 9 ANI AUS PRO VIC archbishop Tzimisce:5 1x Lady Vadislava 9 ANI AUS DOM VIC nec priscus Tzimisce:5 Library (90 cards) Master (22; 7 trifle) 1x Black Forest Base 1x Coven, The 1x Creepshow Casino 1x Giant's Blood 1x Library Hunting Ground 1x Monastery of Shadows 2x Pentex(TM) Subversion 6x Villein 8x Zillah's Valley Ally (1) 1x Mylan Horseed Political Action (18) 1x Anarchist Uprising 1x Ancient Influence 1x Ancilla Empowerment 2x Banishment 10x Kine Resources Contested 1x Political Stranglehold 2x Public Vilification Action Modifier (22) 6x Changeling 5x Mind of the Wilds 6x Private Audience 4x Telepathic Vote Counting 1x Will-o'-the-Wisp Action Modifier/Combat (5) 5x Plasmic Form Reaction (12) 3x Eyes of Argus 1x My Enemy's Enemy 3x On the Qui Vive 5x Telepathic Misdirection Combat (9) 3x Breath of the Dragon 2x Chiropteran Marauder 4x Meld with the Land Event (1) 1x Scourge of the Enochians