Deck Name: 202207_EC_Day1_60 Author: VtesEC2022 Description: 0GW1.5 Crypt (12 cards, min=21 max=32 avg=6.67) ======================================== 4x Howler 8 ANI PRE SPI obf Ahrimane:2 3x Siamese, The 7 PRE SPI ani pro Ahrimane:2 3x Cynthia Ingold 6 SPI ani for pre Ahrimane:2 1x Nettie Hale 5 ani cel pre pro spi Ahrimane:2 1x Juanita Santiago 4 ani pre spi Ahrimane:2 Library (90 cards) ------------------ Master (10; 4 trifle) ---------------------- 1x Animalism 2x Direct Intervention 1x Rack, The 2x Smiling Jack, The Anarch 2x Vessel 2x Villein Action (7) ----------- 4x Deep Song 1x Entrancement 2x Muricia's Call Retainer (3) ------------- 1x Murder of Crows 2x Raven Spy Action Modifier/Combat (9) --------------------------- 9x Swiftness of the Stag Reaction (38) -------------- 7x Cats' Guidance 3x Ears of the Hare 8x Falcon's Eye 2x Forced Awakening 4x On the Qui Vive 1x Rat's Warning 4x Sense the Savage Way 9x Speak with Spirits Combat (22) ------------ 6x Aid from Bats 2x Canine Horde 8x Carrion Crows 1x Leapfrog 5x Taste of Vitae Event (1) ---------- 1x Narrow Minds