Deck Name: 202207_EC_Day1_57 Author: VtesEC2022 Description: 0GW1.5 Crypt (12 cards, min=11 max=20 avg=3.92) ======================================== 2x Jephta Hester 5 DOM FOR aus Ventrue antitribu:4 2x Neighbor John 5 AUS dom for Ventrue antitribu:4 1x Esoara 5 DOM aus for pot Tremere antitribu:4 1x Katherine Stoddard 4 dom for Ventrue antitribu:3 1x Randel, The Coward 4 dom for obt Ventrue antitribu:4 2x Keith Moody 3 DOM Tremere antitribu:4 1x Sister Evelyn 3 aus dom Ventrue antitribu:3 1x Ulrike Rothbart 3 dom for Ventrue antitribu:4 1x New Blood 2 san Blood Brother:ANY Library (66 cards) ------------------ Master (15; 4 trifle) ---------------------- 6x Ashur Tablets 1x Barrens, The 1x Direct Intervention 2x Hungry Coyote, The 1x Specialization 4x Vessel Ally (1) --------- 1x Carlton Van Wyk Equipment (2) -------------- 2x Heart of Nizchetus Action Modifier (11) --------------------- 8x Conditioning 3x Daring the Dawn Reaction (31) -------------- 18x Deflection 4x Delaying Tactics 2x Fillip 5x On the Qui Vive 2x Redirection Combat (6) ----------- 2x Soak 2x Target Vitals 2x Weighted Walking Stick